Our historic church is located in downtown Anoka on the corner of Main Street and Third Avenue.
1923 3rd Avenue
Anoka, MN, 55303
Need directions? You can call the office at (763) 421-3375 or email office@uccanoka.org.
Parking lots and streetside parking are available on Sunday mornings and include:
- our north parking lot on the corner of Third Ave. and Main Street
- streetside parking on Main Street or Third Avenue
- the city lot on Third Avenue across from the church
- the Wells Fargo parking lot across from the church on Main Street
The church's primary ground entrance leads to a wheelchair-accessible lift that services all floors:
- The upper level includes the Sanctuary, Office, and classrooms.
- The lower level includes our Fellowship Hall (a ramp leads to a lower level), Library, Youth Room, and another classroom.
Our Sanctuary is equipped with a newly-updated sound system that includes hearing-assistance devices.
Two all-gender single restrooms are available on the upper level; one features an automated door.
Two multi-stall restrooms for self-identifying males and females are available on the lower level. Both feature automated doors.